Frequently asked questions
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What kind of services do you offer?
We offer counselling for adults, adolescents, children, families, and couples. We also offer group therapy.
Why would I see a counsellor?
There can be many different reasons for seeing a counsellor: you might be going through a particularly challenging time in your life and need some support; you might feel frustrated by the repetition of certain patterns in your life and relationships and wish to understand yourself better and make more helpful choices. Also, you might be suffering from certain symptoms and need help with those or have a wish to develop new coping skills; seeing a counsellor could be a part of your own process of personal development. Whatever the issue might be, our initial consultation can help you understand how psychological therapy could be of help and how it might address your current concerns.
Why would I choose Shoreditch London Counselling?
Each counsellor, psychotherapist undertook a rigorous process and works as part of a team. This allows us to be confident in the quality of the therapy that our clients receive and ensure that it meets the highest standards.
Our therapists are all qualified counsellors, psychotherapists who have years of experience working in the NHS with a range of difficulties from mild to moderate to complex and severe presentations. They also all have specialist training in a range of contemporary therapeutic approaches that have the best evidence base for a range of difficulties. Our counsellors receive regular supervision from experts in the field from the UK They engage in continuing professional development and work with the highest standard of professionalism.
What can I expect from the first session?
You can expect to meet with a caring human being who is genuinely curious to understand your past and present life experiences without any interest in judging you.
How long does each therapy session take?
Individual psychotherapy sessions are 50 minutes. Assessments may take up to 1,5 h. Sometimes requests are made for more time. This can be discussed and planned for. We meet once a week or more.
Why do I have to fill in online questionare for online therapy?
Our online questionnaire is part of your initial assessment: we have developed it in order to match you to the right counsellor, psychotherapist depending on your presenting difficulties, needs, history and therapy aims. The information you provide us with will only ever be shared with your chosen therapist once you decide to book an initial session with them.
Can I pay for my therapy with my private insurance?
Shoreditch City Counselling accepts payments via private insurance, currently we accept payments with Cigna
How many sessions will it take to make me feel better?
The pace of progress and change differs greatly depending on the nature of your difficulties. We offer are short-term, and open-ended therapy so you can consider what best suits you. During the first few sessions, your counsellor will contract with you and discuss your needs and length of the therapy.
As a brief guideline, short term therapy is considered to be between 6-12 sessions and is mainly focused on symptom relief. Medium to longer term therapy is between six months to a year or more and is aimed at addressing deeper, underlying vulnerabilities that increase the risk of difficulties resurfacing in the face of adverse life events.
Is everything I talk about confidential?
Yes, everything you talk about is confidential. The only exceptions to confidentiality are if your counsellor, psychotherapist thinks that you are a risk to yourself or others in which case they may contact other professionals involved in your care such as your General Practitioner or a next of kin. This will always be discussed with you first. During your initial session, your counsellor will cover all these agreements with you to ensure you given have informed consent
Does my GP have to be informed?
Shoreditch City Counselling is a private practice clinic, so we will never communicate with anyone about your care unless you give us explicit permission to do so. The only exception to this is highlighted in the section about confidentiality. For professional and ethical reasons, it is good practice to have the details of your GP should we ever need to contact them. If you have any concerns about this issue, please discuss them during your initial appointment. We will respect your decision and your confidentiality.
What is the cancelation policy?
Appointments can be cancelled with 5 working days' notice. If you cancel an appointment with less than 5 working days’ notice the full fee will be incurred.